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How would your sleepover with Super Junior be? by Shunron
Name or Username
Favorite member
The sleepover took place atShi Won's place
Your outfit for the night is...
Lee TeukKept asking for your height.
Kang In thoughtIt would be funny to run around naked.
Kyu Hyun got drunk, and...Cooked dinner for everyone.
Hee Chul got...Tired of everyone at the party, and tried to go home. But changed his mind, when you hugged him and told him not to.
Sung Min was...Mad at Ye Sung, and didn't even looked at him the whole night.
Ye Sung kissed...Kang In, and laughed his a** off.
Shin Dong danced to...2PM's "Without U"
Ryeo Wook was following you, because...He was thirsty. (?)
Eun Hyuk was trying to...Learn how to sing, so he wouldn't be a rapper anymore.
Special guestXiah Junsu (DBSK)
How much they enjoyed the party30%
How much YOU enjoyed the party90%
Who is sleeping next to youKyu Hyun & Dong Hae
You wake up naked next to...Kang In

Вечеринка удалась! Особенно начало с костюмчиком!:lol::lol::lol:

@темы: тесты

07.07.2010 в 15:43

С трудом,но доходит.
дэ уж.........:laugh: